Qtimer singleshot no such slot

Собственно пишет No such slot. ... int end); Хочу вызвать его рекурсивно вот так. QTimer::singleShot(300, this, SLOT(runA ... QTimer Class | Qt Core 5.9 You can also use the static QTimer::singleShot() function to call a slot after a specified ... does not support such high-level features as single-shot timers or ...

This includes settings configured in the System Control Panel, such as channel gains, parameters set within modules, and connections between modules. OpieStyleGuide - Opie All words should start with a capital letter with the exception of words that are usually excluded from acronyms such as "of", "and", or "to". python-catalin: 2017 Make sure to review our Platform Policies before submitting your app for review. To learn more about the review process, please read the Permissions Review documentation. I try to use this but is not very clear for me. Robert Knight's Blog QtSignalForwarder::delayedCall() - A more flexible alternative to QTimer::singleShot() which can be used to invoke an arbitrary function after a set delay.

Qtimer Connect Slot - maycotruongthang.com

QTimer::singleShot()问题-CSDN论坛 2012年3月28日 ... QTimer::singleShot()问题 [问题点数:40分,结帖人zpzbc18] ... 使用 QTimer:: singleShot(10, this,SLOT(eventOperation())); 单singleShot,表示它 ...... Object:: connect: No such slot QGraphicsView::ShowMenu()[/color]rn 大家帮看 ... PyQt. How to shoot yourself in the foot - Enki editor Aug 23, 2014 ... But it is not so easy to combine different memory management paradigms. Let's see ... QtCore import QTimer from PyQt4. ... singleShot(0, app.quit) # Make the application quit just after start app.exec_() # Execute the ... It is impossible to stop and disconnect such a timer; Don't use lambda function as a slot.

Hi I'd like to do something like this: QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(MySlot(iID))); to get the ID (can be 1 to 16) and know which ID did kick off the singleShot. However, that seems not to be possible with on-board tools. Any idea how this can be e...

A weekly overview of the development activity in KDE. WOSH system: WoshQMenu.cpp Source File Generated on Tue Feb 8 2011 09:33:14 for WOSH system 0.8.888 [wolf] by Alessandro Polo, using DoxyGen 1.7.2 hosted by WOSH Framework c++ - "No such slot" when trying to use QTimer - Stack

So if credentials were supplied with the request, // such as in the case of an XMLHttpRequest, this is our only opportunity to cache them. emit reply->cacheCredentials(reply->request (), auth); } Based on the comment, I think

You can also use the static QTimer::singleShot() function to call a slot after a specified ... does not support such high-level features as single-shot timers or signals. ... A single-shot timer fires only once, non-single-shot timers fire every interval ...

Qt 4.6: Porting to Qt 4 - Trinity Desktop Environment

You can also use the static QTimer::singleShot() function to call a slot after a specified interval ... Because of this, you must start and stop the timer in its thread; it is not ... does not support such high-level features as single-shot timers or signals. QTimer::singleShot()问题-CSDN论坛 2012年3月28日 ... QTimer::singleShot()问题 [问题点数:40分,结帖人zpzbc18] ... 使用 QTimer::singleShot(10, this,SLOT(eventOperation())); 单singleShot,表示它 ...... Object::connect: No such slot QGraphicsView::ShowMenu()[/color]rn 大家帮看 ... PyQt. How to shoot yourself in the foot - Enki editor

QTimer Class | Qt Core 5.8 - Qt Documentation You can also use the static QTimer::singleShot() function to call a slot after a specified ... Because of this, you must start and stop the timer in its thread; it is not ... In such a case of timeout overrun, Qt will emit activated() only once, even if ... QTimer Class | Qt 4.8 - Qt Documentation You can also use the static QTimer::singleShot() function to call a slot after a specified interval ... Because of this, you must start and stop the timer in its thread; it is not ... does not support such high-level features as single-shot timers or signals. qtimer(3): Timer signals/single-shot timers - Linux man page The QTimer class provides timer signals and single-shot timers. ... to use: create a QTimer, call start() to start it and connect its timeout() to the appropriate slots. ... does not support such high-level features as single-shot timers or signals. ... who prefer man pages, although this format is not officially supported by Trolltech.